Captain’s Log - Star Trek Diaries

Hi There 🖖

I’m Mesut, I’m a Trekkie, inspired by Gene Roddenberry’s wisdom and art. In this sub-blog, I’m trying to share my thoughts on episodes of the Star Trek spinoffs.

I believe each Star Trek instance worth thinking on it. Not all of the episodes are equal, so I’m applying 3-pillar scoring for episodes for ranking them and learning more from them.

Last thing, let’s remember what was Star Trek from its original series creator Gene Roddenberry;

“Star Trek was an attempt to say that humanity will reach maturity and wisdom on the day that it begins not just to tolerate, but take a special delight in differences in ideas and differences in life forms. If we cannot learn to actually enjoy those small differences, to take a positive delight in those small differences between our own kind, here on this planet, then we do not deserve to go out into space and meet the diversity that is almost certainly out there.”

— Gene Roddenberry

Live Long and Prosper🖖

Gene Roddenberry beside a model of Enterprise NCC 1701 ship

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My re-watch progress

I watched the whole spinoffs of Star Trek (except some of the modern! replications) and I enjoyed a lot. I decided to re-watch (and assimilate*) Star Trek from scratch and took notes.

Spinoff Air Date Reviewed / Total Episodes Best - Average - Minimum Scores
The Original Series Logo The Original Series (1966) 12 / 80
15.0% Reviewed
21.0 - 46.4 - 80.0
The Next Generation Logo The Next Generation (1987) 1 / 178
0.6% Reviewed
16.8 - 16.8 - 16.8
Enterprise Logo Enterprise (2001) 6 / 98
6.1% Reviewed
27.0 - 58.4 - 85.7
Discovery Logo Discovery (2017) 10 / 65
15.4% Reviewed
6.4 - 22.0 - 51.2
Overall 29 / 924
0.0% Reviewed
6.4 - 39.4 - 85.7

*see: Borg