
Criterias builds the overall score by multiplying and normalizing to 100 scale. The perfect episode is 💯, the worst one is 0.

  1. Star Trek Values: The more an episode reflects the purpose and values of the Star Trek, it’s more Star Trek.
  2. Inspiring: Values are important, but should not tell in the way of didacticism, it should inspire us towards future, believing in humanity’s future, direct us to imagine what’s possible.
  3. Story Development: Values + Inspiration combination is working well, unless it catches our attention and touches to our senses of reality. Low fiction quality can be an issue to watch and consume the message, so I’m considering the fictional quality here. The flow of the episode should feel realistic when we assume we’re living in that era.


Description: Logo has a starship icon slightly tilted to right-upwards and its warp trails are visible. Captain’s Log is written on the top of the warp trails.

Formats: JPEG, PNG, SVG


I’m Mesut, a Trekkie, and a technology lover. Find more about me on my blog: