TOS-0319 The Cloud Minders

Cover Photo of TOS 0319 The Cloud Minders
Image Credits: IMDB 🖖
The Original Series-1966 Season:03 Episode:19

Overall Score:       33.75 / 100
Star Trek Values:    3.00 / 5
Inspiring:           3.75 / 5
Story Development:   3.75 / 5

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Enterprise visits Ardana planet to get Zenite material for an emergency need.

The governor is not able to collect the required amount because of the rebellion. Kirk discovers that, the ones who collect the mineral, are subjected to a gas during gathering mineral, makes them act emotionally with lack of logical motives. And there is an apartheid situation seen in Ardana despite their artful, civilized appearance.

Even, in this planet, people have buildings in clouds, by using antigravity technology. Reminds us of the Tower of Babel.

Not so much to consider, despite the blindness and stubbornness of the humanity. Skilled to live in cloud but still has some cast system, separated, out of logic.

+ Spock’s compliment to the daughter of the governor was fascinating. :)

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