TOS-0202 Metamorphosis

Cover Photo of TOS 0202 Metamorphosis
Image Credits: IMDB 🖖
The Original Series-1966 Season:02 Episode:02

Overall Score:       34.30 / 100
Star Trek Values:    3.50 / 5
Inspiring:           3.50 / 5
Story Development:   3.50 / 5

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Zefram Cochrane was not dead, at the date of Enterprise’s encounter with this phenomenon.

An electric-based life-form saves Cochrane and keeps him in an immortal state. As Cochrane started to feel lonely, the life-form finds Enterprise’s shuttle during their march to the rendezvous point with the ship.

By putting a mirror to the life-form, Enterprise team shows that, keeping Cochrane immortal is not a helpful motive at all.

Luckily, life-form is a wise one and develops an understanding.

Not so much to consider.

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