TOS-0120 The Alternative Factor

Cover Photo of TOS 0120 The Alternative Factor
Image Credits: IMDB đź––
The Original Series-1966 Season:01 Episode:20

Overall Score:       48.96 / 100
Star Trek Values:    3.00 / 5
Inspiring:           4.25 / 5
Story Development:   4.80 / 5

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Wow, that’s a fascinating story!

The Story, Briefly

Lazarus, a time-traveler from an extinct humanoid civilization, has lost mental stability and uses his power (primarily a time-ship powered by dilithium) to kill his version in a parallel (opposite) universe. His jumps cause the universe to blink, which means wraps in the continuum, the waves of non-existence happening universe-wide. So a real threat to all universe.

The beginning of the story remind me of “the Great Burn” (in Discovery), where all the spaceship’s dilithium caused an explosion because of an effect in space.


“One mad person is enough to destroy civilization”, was the first sentence, come to me. His civilization developed a unique technology for time travel. And I guess they mostly used for good intentions. But, until one person used it to develop a solution by his understanding. In reality, he was trying to save the universe. But his method was not consistent and logical enough.

It’s shocking to imagine that how one might destroy civilizations, universe and existence. But didn’t we see some examples? Like Nazis; smaller when compared to threatening the universe, but still massively-devastating for human societies in the world.

So, with the technology, the ability to turn into a mass-destroyer is not an unrealistic fiction.

Worth thinking on it, and worth taking precautions.

I also remember that, the possibility of a bigger solar flare might affect our electric and electronic infrastructure, like this news. We’re living in a fragile existence. It seems like our inventions might not be powerful enough to resist into flares, natural effects, etc. And, what if it’s valid for our Physical existence? What about the atomic bonds?

Imagining threats is not necessarily make us scary or conservative to novelties; it can encourage us to discover more and deeper.

#LLAP đź––

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