TOS-0113 The Galileo Seven

Cover Photo of TOS 0113 The Galileo Seven
Image Credits: IMDB 🖖
The Original Series-1966 Season:01 Episode:13

Overall Score:       30.60 / 100
Star Trek Values:    4.25 / 5
Inspiring:           3.00 / 5
Story Development:   3.00 / 5

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The Story, Briefly

While Enterprise is on the way of delivering medicine to a planet, supervised by a high commissioner. Captain has some time to study a space phenomenon. Because of the ionization levels, it’s impossible to use sensors, so the captain sends an away team with Shuttle Galileo Seven. Away team had some troubles and manage out to land in a class M planet, by losing some of the fuels. All the things happened is not known by Enterprise, because of the blocked communications from ionization.

The high commissioner urges Kirk to deliver the medicines and cease searching. While Kirk is trying to manage this stress source, Spock is also trying to keep the team focused despite the stressing situation.


  • McCoy is amusing, but sometimes he’s a source of stress.
  • Spock did well on the planet despite the illogical crew. Normally the crew has been trained for difficult situations, in this episode the development was against this point. The away team started to act hysterically.
  • After the return to the ship, Kirk and McCoy laughed to Spock’s actions. In that point, I became fully angry to them. Spock didn’t do something premature and saved the crew. In an ideal circumstance, Spock should be respected. Illogical crew made fun of his excellent situation. Guys, you cannot outsmart Spock!
  • What’s happening to the crew! In the middle of the action, someone is trying to bury a colleague, someone gets hysterical. Like we criticized this in the last season of DIS, how characters can find time to talk cheap things in the middle of a survival situation. This means a poor development of story.
  • In the Original Effects series, the most beautiful effect should be the opening of the shuttle door Galileo. Because it’s not post-production effect, the precision in the animations are realistic.

PS: I’m trying to watch TOS with original effects, not with remastered CGI version. I first watched CGI version, while rewatching original effects tastes different.

In summary, I’m angry with the crew and I appreciate Spock’s wisdom again. He didn’t have any motive to prove himself, my man! He knows that it would be a futile effort to try convincing or, in other words, educating them!

Spock, Live Long and Prosper! 🖖

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