ENT-0122 Vox Sola

Cover Photo of ENT 0122 Vox Sola
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Enterprise-2001 Season:01 Episode:22

Overall Score:       47.42 / 100
Star Trek Values:    3.90 / 5
Inspiring:           4.00 / 5
Story Development:   3.80 / 5

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First contact trials attempt with Kreetassans is mainly based on understanding their language. Hoshi attempts their language, and her failure to decode has ended when Kreetassans get offended on humans’ way of eating. During the contact, another life-form contacts Enterprise and tries to form symbiotic bonding with the crew.

Some points;

  • First use of the force field.
  • Dr. Phlox is a wise man. His attempts to sentient life and “Not Playing the God” became some of the inspiration points. Phlox’s analogy at the end was like an aha moment; maybe it was looking for a (physical) symbiotic connection when it separated from itself
  • The episode name “Vox Sola” in Latin means “Lone Voice” or “The Only Voice”, a fascinating use. I also learned that, in other series, some of the episode names were in Latin or Latin-referenced. Here’s a full list: Memory Alpha

I just want to see that, whenever an alien contact became the topic, in most of the science-fiction examples, the military took the first action. Even in this episode. T’Pol say that, communication is preferable, but it would require time to decode its language, so while competing with the clock, T’Pol’s reflexes are not so much non-essential, probably each of us would do the same thing. But still, uncovering ways of communication yields.

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