ENT-0116 Shuttlepod One

Cover Photo of ENT 0116 Shuttlepod One
Image Credits: IMDB 🖖
Enterprise-2001 Season:01 Episode:16

Overall Score:       27.46 / 100
Star Trek Values:    3.25 / 5
Inspiring:           3.25 / 5
Story Development:   3.25 / 5

View Episode (Imbd)

A nice filler episode. Again, happening in a shuttle. In Star Trek, shuttle-themed episodes has an interesting reality. In the most resourceful place of starships, it’s difficult to see challenging scenes while shuttles are vulnerable. So, shuttle-episodes are generally performing well on small story developments.

We saw cold-British Malcolm’s internal world where he finally founds a place of belonging. And Tucker’s reactions towards him.

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