ENT-0101 Broken Bow, Part 1

Cover Photo of ENT 0101 Broken Bow, Part 1
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Enterprise-2001 Season:01 Episode:01

Overall Score:       85.74 / 100
Star Trek Values:    4.75 / 5
Inspiring:           4.75 / 5
Story Development:   4.75 / 5

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Wow, really a fascinating entrance to a spinoff. It utilizes the story of the Federation and uses it wisely. Built on top of the TNG’s production abilities, empowered CGIs, and lots of firsts;

  • First warp-enabled mission of humanity
  • First temporal encounter
  • First Science Officer and a Vulcan officer

Captain Jon Archer’s personal story is also inspiring, Cochrane and his father built the engine. And we see the saying of “boldly go where no man has gone before” for the first time.

The episode has;

  • action; while catching up with Sullivans,
  • first diplomatic-ish mission; first contact with Klingon
  • first alien contact (not counting Vulcan) with the Lorillians
  • points on augmented evolution (Eugenics-like empowerment but with contribution of experimental medical methods)
  • conflicts; especially the ones with Vulcan-Human relations; humans are angry with Vulcans, they think they kept humans from going to space with warp.

I also like the atmosphere built in these spinoffs (TNG and ENT); it’s calming, catching attention, and details are well-studied. It’s difficult to spot weak story development. During the years, Star Trek has gained more resources and had more influence, so these are the top productions, which followed with worse productions. I can also count SNW spinoff too.

SNW and ENT seems based on the nostalgia and builds the backstory we first learned in TOS series. In this occasion, TNG is the exceptional series, which is not based on a nostalgia and caught the success. I’m sure it’s Roddenberry effect.

I like Rick Berman, he’s my post-Roddenberry producer.

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