DS9-0115 Progress

Cover Photo of DS9 0115 Progress
Image Credits: IMDB 🖖
Deep Space Nine-1993 Season:01 Episode:15

Overall Score:       48.64 / 100
Star Trek Values:    3.80 / 5
Inspiring:           4.00 / 5
Story Development:   4.00 / 5

View Episode (Imbd)

Kira discovers that 3 people didn’t leave the moon which is subjected to a project in benefit of Bajoran people, and will make the moon inhabitable. The eldest person on the moon refuses to move.

Sisko, a wise leader. While all the wise leaders has been tested with immature people around them, Sisko wasn’t an exception.

His words, to Kira, were remarkable. Kira has sympathized with the old man on the moon, by remembering her cause while resisting the Cardassians. Individual truths may be appealing, but a society cannot be built on individualistic perspectives.

Common good sometime require suboptimal decisions. Making decisions won’t make you like your enemies. Because even your enemies represent an aspect of reality and truth.

Good to remind that. DS9 is a little bit out of classical Star Trek values. Not just because of the place it took, but also because of the spiritualistic themes and Bajoran-Cardassian themed dualities.

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