DIS-0508 Labyrinths

Cover Photo of DIS 0508 Labyrinths
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Discovery-2017 Season:05 Episode:08

Overall Score:       11.25 / 100
Star Trek Values:    2.50 / 5
Inspiring:           3.75 / 5
Story Development:   1.50 / 5

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The next clue to the Progenitor’s tech, is stored in the Eternal Gallery and Archive, a place similar to Game of Throne’s Citadel. They’re keeping a distance to all the conflict between species/worlds, and just serve the purposes of gatekeeping the knowledge. Fascinating!

I’m just tired of the notion “good people can admit their regrets”. They use this notion frequently to prove that, Federation is the group of trustworthy people and can manage out knowing the Progenitor’s technology. The purpose is okay, but the way always points to the same clichĂ©. So we learned the regrets of Michael.

I think we can transparently see Michael. So after making a person transparent enough, how can we dig more? Even if they wanted to consult the same clichĂ©, they might choose Rayner or Lt. Gen Rhys, or maybe another cadet. Yes, captains are primary actors, but we also bored from captain’s life and repeating the same.

And in the end, Moll has gained the command as a result of the stupid actions of Primarch Ruhn. I always put a distance to the idea of immediate transfer of power like this. Why suddenly commanders act stupid? In the movies, it might be acceptable because of the short time, but in a series, it should make sense why the captain act stupid, at least with flashbacks. We’re talking about the most powerful militant species in the world, who destroyed Federation cities easily. So the greatness of the actor, doesn’t make with stupid mistakes.

Note: I assumed that Hy’Rell was Klingon, but as I learned, she was Efrosian.

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