We’re learning more about the Breen society and getting some clarity. L’ak has gained an importance as a key to the throne for his uncle. But he seems to be dead at the end of the episode. Also we learn the details of Breen - Kellerun invade history. And we can see how (ex-Captain) First Officer Rayner has been affected.
By considering the Breen threat, Federation has previously encountered with massive threats; Klingons > Romulans > Borg > Breen
The most powerful one was certainly the Borg. Only Borgs didn’t get allied with the Federation, because they were not a specie or nation but assimilated ones. Still, Federation has had an influence on them to earn Drones (assimilated Borg individuals) their freedom.
So, how can a captain shouldn’t be resourceful and willing to ally and initiate diplomacy?
Also, I’ve noticed something during the episode;
- In the last series, they’re using less stardates, they’re using more earth dates. I don’t know, it loses the sense in a way. In the previous series, the crew was more from Earth, and in the later series crew became more diverse from other planets. So they should’ve been continuing to use stardates.
For quick reference, stardate and earth-date can be converted roughly like below;
Stardate = (EarthYear - 2323) * 1000
- Adira will be like Wesley Crusher (in TOS) to the Discovery crew.