DIS-0506 Whistlespeak

Cover Photo of DIS 0506 Whistlespeak
Image Credits: IMDB 🖖
Discovery-2017 Season:05 Episode:06

Overall Score:       51.20 / 100
Star Trek Values:    4.00 / 5
Inspiring:           4.00 / 5
Story Development:   4.00 / 5

View Episode (Imbd)

Wow! Now we’re talking about the new season. Finally they catch the sprit.

Discovery crew visits a pre-warp society’s planet for the next tip of the key of Progenitor’s tech.

The folks has a whistle-language for communicating from far distances. After 2300s, whistle-language might seem ancient, but today it’s still continuing.

This society even has some figures; Mother Compeer is looking for water like Ishmael’s mother’s Hagar. And this makes this episode similar to some TOS episode which takes analogies from Rome Imperium. This topic has raised my mood and I feel, this season has started to make sense.

At the beginning of the episode, Michael mentions this society’s 3-gender norm (which we didn’t see, and we understand it’s not a biological one), and closes the episode with her saying to the priest (who saw the Federation technology);

Beliefs can evolve. Denying that can cause almost as much chaos as the worst storm.

When prime-directive is risked by revealing identities of the Federation or its tech, captains chose a way to describe the situation to the reasonable character from that planet. Their caring approach to that individuals beliefs are worth appreciation.

I didn’t think this season would inspire me in a way, but it did. I’m expecting more episodes like this.

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