DIS-0505 Mirrors

Cover Photo of DIS 0505 Mirrors
Image Credits: IMDB 🖖
Discovery-2017 Season:05 Episode:05

Overall Score:       9.60 / 100
Star Trek Values:    2.00 / 5
Inspiring:           2.00 / 5
Story Development:   3.00 / 5

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Alternate-universes become an interesting topic to further evaluate and visit repeatedly. Previous Federation practices were keeping a distance from temporal and inter-universe journeys.

I wonder, previously Star Trek was more on imagining alternate realities of others, but now, it’s more on alternate realities of the character. Did Star Trek became more on personal journeys than discovering others, or is it touching to the intertwined nature of both?

In this episode, we learn L’ak’s story and its potential power to provide a conflict with Breen. At the end, it might not matter whether Federation have or not to have the Progenitor’s technology, it’ll probably end with an initiation of diplomatic touches with Breen. With the contribution of Lak, and while witnessing L’ak’s personal story to turn into a hero.

Let’s see, did I foresee the producer’s plans correctly.

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