DIS-0504 Face the Strange

Cover Photo of DIS 0504 Face the Strange
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Discovery-2017 Season:05 Episode:04

Overall Score:       28.80 / 100
Star Trek Values:    3.00 / 5
Inspiring:           4.00 / 5
Story Development:   3.00 / 5

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Wow, with this episode where producers gained a momentum to keep the interest during season.

Like the previous episode, this episode utilizes a double-sided examples with metaphorically and materially tells us a story.

As a result of “time-travel-looper-bug” Discovery stucks in a time travel loop. Btw, technology should have been so developed, even for a black-market item with this power, it’s availability is amazing; I mean an example of poor story development. Also how Discovery’s sensors coulnd’t picked up that bug when crew has beamed up? If crew won’t come up with a explanation later, this could be the poor development of the season. Because this bug is really fatal and disastrous weapon. It’s a rare chance to be aware of the bug inside the ship, so this makes the crime evident and major.

The second implies of this travel is facing up with person’s past;

While Michael has faced up with her previous version, her past, Rayner also has faced up with their approaches to crew. Michael has convinced her prvious self with knowing herself and envisioning hersel. Rayner has convinced the crew not with his analysis for them and how they see their potentials, but they convinced with their personal stories. As a continued message from previous episode, the notion of “creating a connection with the crew” has been reused here.

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