DIS-0503 Jinaal

Cover Photo of DIS 0503 Jinaal
Image Credits: IMDB 🖖
Discovery-2017 Season:05 Episode:03

Overall Score:       19.20 / 100
Star Trek Values:    4.00 / 5
Inspiring:           2.00 / 5
Story Development:   3.00 / 5

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Jinaal is one of the gatekeeper of Progenitor’s tech. Jinaal is testing the crew to assess whether federation is worth of that technology.

Some cheap judgements are made.

But the inter-personal stories in the episode, makes it interesting. Rayner’s approach on keeping the distance with crew become the focus point of the episode.

The episode ends with Gray’s speech;

The life of a symbiont is a journey that spans centuries. Each host it passes through changes it, and it changes each in return. The lesson this teaches us is that every life is a journey. A series of changes. We must work to understand that we encounter on our journey. We must choose to connect. Not just with others… but also, with ourselves. Sometimes we fail. Sometimes we succeed. Either way, we must keep tryin. Because we have to. Because we’re all looking for meaning in our lives. And in the end, the connections we make will lead us there.

It’s both makes sense to hear these words from a Trill; which means words are making sense to us with 2-senses together.

At least this is Star Trek.

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