DIS-0502 Under the Twin Moons

Cover Photo of DIS 0502 Under the Twin Moons
Image Credits: IMDB đź––
Discovery-2017 Season:05 Episode:02

Overall Score:       6.40 / 100
Star Trek Values:    2.00 / 5
Inspiring:           2.00 / 5
Story Development:   2.00 / 5

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We’re approaching to the prize of the interplanetary puzzle journey…

The episode has started with a classical and clichĂ© poem-puzzle journey. The team is visiting planets to gather parts of a kind of cryptex key. The planets are given with the verses written. Uhhh! I don’t know how I can finish this season.

There is something to appreciate. At the end of the episode, we see that Captain Rayner has been asked for what he did on the planet while risking the lives of people in the sake of the mission. As expected, as a civilian organization, the Federation wouldn’t put the priority of the mission ahead of the lives of the people. Because Star Trek was always an “and” century instead of “or” century, where federation achieve two conflicting things at the same time, by approaching with a different perspective.

After the inquiry, Rayner has been asked to retire early.

After a while, Captain Michael has interested in Rayner. This interest seems like a pre-mature interest. Star Trek captains are generally staying in the thin line of crazy vs wise separation. And sometimes they seem irresponsible for their actions, as widely seen in the example of Captain Kirk in the TOS series. But in the Rayner’s case, even he’s a mission-achiever persona, this decision has developed faster than expected. So, it’s Michael’s bet or an example of poor story development.

I think, we’ll see some interesting developments in the following episodes. Because surprises and unexpected won’t happen as sole-surprises in the fiction.

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